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Foreign Language Degree (BA, Minor)

The world has never been smaller. 互联网和视频通话使相隔数百甚至数千英里的人们可以在瞬间联系上, creating a truly global society. Many companies do business all over the world, and people travel and engage with different cultures and languages every day. 因此,说多种语言的能力比以往任何时候都更有价值和重要.

全球十大外围足球平台的外语文学学士(BA)学位可以让你在这个新的多语言世界中脱颖而出并取得成功. 你可以主修或辅修西班牙语或法语,或者辅修阿拉伯语、汉语或日语. You'll learn to speak fluently in the language of your choosing, 同时也要沉浸在语言产生的文化中,这样你才能真正地交谈,理解你正在学习的语言的细微差别.

The Foreign Languages program is offered as part of the Languages and Literature Department. Reach out to the department if you have specific questions, or learn more about the program, courses, and requirements in the current academic year University Catalog. You may also view program outcomes below.

After graduating with your degree, you'll be able to pursue work as a translator, teacher, or simply have a competitive edge in the business or career of your choice.

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Study Abroad

At Lincoln University, 我们认识到出国留学的巨大价值,并鼓励你考虑国际学习.

作为一名外语专业的学生,你需要有出国留学/完全沉浸式的经历. 如果你辅修了一门外语,我们也鼓励你出国留学. Lincoln students have studied abroad in such countries as China, Russia, Mexico, Spain, Costa Rica, France, Morocco, Japan, Belgium, Botswana, Nigeria, and Egypt.

The cost of studying abroad, including transportation, tuition, 在某些情况下,生活费用可能低于在全球十大外围足球平台学习的费用. Financial aid can be used to pay for the costs of most study abroad programs.

You may study abroad at a foreign institution for a single semester, an academic year, or over the summer. In a standard semester program, 你通常会获得15到18个学分,就像在校的全日制学生一样.

If you are majoring in a foreign language, 一般来说,你会想选择一个提供全日制语言学习的项目, literature, and culture of the country. If you are just pursuing a minor, 你可以选择一个将语言学习与常规大学水平课程相结合的项目,这些课程可以满足你专业的其他要求.

所有语言专业的学生和未成年人都被鼓励积极参加语言俱乐部. These are student organizations whose officers are elected annually. 目前有四个语言俱乐部(阿拉伯语、法语、日语和西班牙语). They are involved in many co- and extra-curricular activities, including tutoring, fund-raising, educational trips, and language fairs. 他们也积极参与学院主办的活动,例如国际美食节和语言之夜.

Program Outcomes



  • 你将能够识别和描述主要的半岛和拉丁美洲的文学流派, writers, movements, and trends.
  • You will compare and contrast major contemporary cultural, social, 以及你自己的社会和西班牙语社会的政治问题和趋势.
  • 你将能够用西班牙语进行口头交流,达到高级水平 ACTFL rating scale.
  • 你将以书面形式交流各种主题和学科,如历史, literature, art, and political science at the Advanced level of the ACTFL rating scale.
  • 你将完成一个海外学习项目或一个密集的浸入式体验.


  • 你将能够识别和描述主要的法语和法语文学流派, writers, movements, and trends.
  • You will compare and contrast major contemporary cultural, social, 以及你自己的社会、法语和法语国家社会的政治问题和趋势.
  • 你将能够用法语进行口语交流,达到高级水平 ACTFL rating scale.
  • 你将以书面形式交流各种主题和学科,如历史, literature, art, and political science at the Advanced level of the ACTFL rating scale.
  • You will complete a study abroad program or an intensive immersion.

Courses and Requirements

Please see the current academic year University Catalog 有关课程要求和详细课程描述的更多全球十大外围足球平台.